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Our First Steps Together schools have a unique approach to education and aims to reintegrate and reshape students' beliefs about education. 


If parents are interested in enrolling their child at any of our schools, we encourage them to get in touch with the School Admissions Team ( for additional information. A meeting can be arranged with the appropriate partners to discuss the student's needs and determine if our school is a suitable fit.


The governing body will not establish admissions criteria that excludes individuals with a particular protected characteristic. The admissions criteria will not exclude a greater proportion of students with particular protected characteristics, unless the governing body can justify how this is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.


The admissions criteria will not discriminate against disabled applicants, unless the proprietary body can justify how this is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.


The school will offer open events and school visits to all potential applicants, irrespective of any protected characteristics. Where necessary, the school will make reasonable adjustments for disabled applicants or disabled parents.


The school may assess its ability to cater to the applicant’s needs by:

  • Inviting the applicant to attend the school for half a day.

  • Visiting the applicant’s home.


The governing body will notify all parents within 15 school days of receipt of an in-year application of the outcome of this application. The school will notify the LA of every application and its outcome within two school days or as soon as is reasonably practicable beyond this.


Where an offer is accepted, the school will make arrangements for the student to start as soon as possible.

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