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Governors Welcome
Welcome to First Steps Together. We're delighted to have you explore our website, which reflects our values as an independent specialist school, showcases our achievements, and highlights our dedication to the young people, families, schools, and communities we serve.
We take immense pride in our young people. We set high expectations for them both in and out of the classroom, and we are confident in their ability to meet the daily challenges we present.
We aim for every FST student to enjoy their educational journey, achieve academic success, and develop self-discipline, resilience, and an outward-looking perspective. Our goal is to prepare them for a better life after year 11, whether that means pursuing further education or entering the workforce.
Our school ethos revolves around the “Active” qualities we cherish most:
Our senior leadership team and school staff are always available to answer any questions you may have.
Nick Ledger
Chair Of Governors