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Our Curriculum



At First Steps Together we place our students at the heart of everything we do. Our curriculum is designed to allow the students to meet their statutory needs as well as preparing them for adulthood, lifelong learning and vocation. We as leaders and a school community have designed a curriculum that meets the needs of each individual student allowing them to succeed and progress in their learning journey.


Our schools ACTIVE values and our commitment to empowering our students to become well-rounded individuals who are ready to make a positive impact in the world is embedded throughout and guides our curriculum principles and intent.


Our school does not use the traditional model of year groups for all its learning activities. We believe that every student has the right to experience a broad and balanced curriculum equipping them for adulthood through core academic subjects such as Maths, English and Science as well as subjects such as PSHE and embedded British values which enable learners to become well rounded young people.


Our curriculum encompasses the formal requirements of the National Curriculum including English and mathematics however our vision is to provide our pupils with a range of learning experiences beyond the classroom and into the community which inspire our pupils, close the gaps in their knowledge and ensure they are responsible citizens of the future.


Literacy, numeracy, values and computer skills are embedded throughout all our subjects to ensure our students are fluent, literate, caring and confident alongside being prepared for a technology advanced society of the future.




At First Steps Together we believe that not all learning happens in the four walls of a classroom. Our curriculum is designed to allow students to explore their school and wider community. The curriculum is designed in a logical way to allow for sequencing of knowledge and skills to be consolidated, recalled and applied. Bespoke curriculums and interventions can be utilised for individual students to ensure they have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum.


Quality First Teaching

All our teachers create learning opportunities which are designed with the quality first teaching principles in mind. This starts with ensuring that all learners are baselined to make sure that their needs are met, and progress is monitored.


Pathways and Assessments

All our students have a BKSB assessment for their English and Maths and undertake a Boxall assessment to assess their personal development when they start with us, so that a holistic personalised learning plan can be created which is designed to not only meet their needs but also stretch and challenge throughout their learning. We provide interventions for literacy through Read, Write Ink based on initial assessment. Additionally, constructive feedback is given on all work to encourage progression and achievement. Evidence for Learning is the tool we use to evidence assess and review all learner progress and achievement across their learning journey. 


Learning Environment

Our school building is designed to be calm and therapeutic. Students are able to learn in a safe environment and also experience internal and external vocational learning opportunities.


Target Setting and Choice

SMART targets are set for the learners centred around their baseline assessments and their EHCP outcomes which are shared and monitored with learners termly. Learners work with their teachers and mentors to achieve their academic and personal goals so that learners are empowered and encouraged to re-engage with learning. All students will have different opportunities to undertake vocational learning of their choice.




At First Steps Together our curriculum is designed to have the maximum impact possible for our students. We use a variety of methods to measure and assess the impact of the curriculum on the academic and personal development of our learners.


Our ultimate measure of impact is our student’s enjoyment of learning and engagement in preparing for their future. 


Students will leave First Steps Together with secure understanding of academic knowledge at the appropriate level for them. As well as being active citizens in our community.


We aim that students leave our settings with their self-esteem and confidence reshaped and secured, a better thirst for life and lifelong learning and an appreciation of overcoming adversity.

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